LOCAL 2148
Revised 3-1-16
SECTION 1: The name of this organization shall be Logan Firefighters Organization, Local 2148, International Association of Fire Fighters.
SECTION 2:References in this Constitution and Bylaws to “local” or “local union” or “organization” shall refer to the Local as set forth in Section 1 above, and references to “International” shall refer to the International Association of Fire Fighters.
SECTION 3:This Local Union, its officers, representatives and members, shall recognize, observe, and be bound by the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the International Association and the interpretation rendered by the International President, the resolutions, decisions, and directives of the Executive Board, or officers of the Association when made in conformity with the authority granted by the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association, and the resolutions adopted and policies established by the delegates at conventions. Article 13 of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Association is recognized as providing the basic ruled governing this local.
SECTION 1: Jurisdiction shall be as follows: All full-time paid employees of the Logan City Fire Department who are engaged in fire fighting or other duties related to the fire service up to and including Fire Chief.
SECTION 1: Active membership—Any person of good moral character who at the time of making application is engaged in service within the jurisdiction of the Local, as given in Article 2, will be eligible for active membership. Anyone who is eligible for membership in this Local shall not be refused membership, or upon acceptance be discriminated against because of race, color, creed or national origin.
SECTION 2: Honorary membership—For meritorious service to this Local or for distinguished public service, persons may be elected honorary members by a majority vote. Honorary Members shall not pay initiation fees, dues or other charges, and shall have no voice or vote in the local. Such membership may be revoked for cause.
SECTION 3: Maintenance of Good Standing---Membership in good standing includes any person who has fulfilled the requirements for membership in the Local and who has not voluntarily withdrawn, become ineligible for continued membership, or been suspended or expelled as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the International Association of Fire Fighters or the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local.
SECTION 4: Separation—When any member in good standing becomes separated from the fire service, the local union may allow said member to retain his/her active membership, or in lieu thereof, upon request said member shall be issued a withdrawal card; provided, however, that a member who is duly elected as an officer of the International Association of Fire Fighters, of elected or appointed as a representative of or to an affiliated labor organization, shall retain his/her active membership in this local.
SECTION 5: Delinquent Members—Members who fail to pay their dues or assessments within the periods prescribed by the International Constitution and Bylaws or as required by this Constitution shall be notified by the Local officer who’s duty it is, that they are delinquent and will be automatically suspended and lose their good standing if payment is not made within sixty (60) days following such notification. Delinquent and suspended members are not entitled to voice or vote in the Local or in the affairs of the Organization.
SECTION 1: Regular meetings of this Local will be held every third month at a time and place set forth by the Executive Board. Would like to add a specific week I.E. Second Tuesday of the month.
SECTION 2: Special meetings may be called by vote of the majority of the Executive Board. All members in good standing shall be notified of such special meetings at least five (2) (5)days prior to the same. The notice shall state the business to be considered at such meeting, and no other business than that stated shall be in order at such meeting.
SECTION 3: Quorum—The quorum for any meeting of this Local, either regular or special, shall be eight (8) members (including the Executive Board) in good standing.
SECTION 4: Rights of Members—Every member shall have the right to attend any meeting and to participate in such meeting in accordance with the recognized rules set forth in the manual of parliamentary procedure, adopted by this Local. Members shall conduct themselves in such a manner as not to interfere with the legal or contractual obligations of the International or this Local.
SECTION 5: Rules for Meetings—The rules contained in “Roberts Rules of Order” shall govern the meetings of this Local in all cases not in conflict with the Constitution and Bylaws of the International, or interpretations of these documents.
SECTION 6: Meeting Agenda
1. Roll call of officers
2. Report of committee or credentials
3. Roll call of delegates (if appropriate)
4. Adoption of Minutes
5. Reports of Officers
6. Reports of Committees
7. Unfinished Business
8. New Business
9. Adjournment
SECTION 1: The officers of this Local shall consist of a President, Secretary-Treasurer, and three Change to 4 (3) Station-Stewards, one representing each station of this Local. Each of these shall serve a two (2) year term of office, and until the election and installation of their successors, unless removed from office as provided in the Constitution and Bylaws of the International or this Constitution and Bylaws.
SECTION 2: Eligibility for Office—Any member in good standing that is an active member of the IAFF and the Utah Firefighters Association, shall be eligible to be a candidate in this Local. Exception: No office is to be held by Battalion Chief or above.
SECTION 3: Rights of Candidates—Every candidate for office shall have the right to request distribution of campaign literature, by mail or otherwise, to all members in good standing, at the candidates own personal expense. A “candidate for office” includes a candidate for membership on the Executive Board. There shall be no discrimination in favor or against any candidate with regard to the use of membership lists.
SECTION 4: Use of funds Prohibited in Elections—No funds received by this Local through initiation fees, dues, or assessments or otherwise, shall be contributed or applied to promote the candidacy of any person in election of officers.
SECTION 5: Method of Nomination and Election—All members in good standing shall be given at least fifteen (15) days advance notice, in writing, of the date, time, and place at which nominations shall be and the date, time, and place at which election shall be held.Change for nominations and elections, add internet form based voting ballot for secret votes Nominations shall be made at a regular meeting announced by the Executive Committee. Elections shall be held no less than 30 days following nominations. Any member in good standing may nominate eligible members for office. Election shall be by secret ballot, even if only one candidate is nominated for a given office. In the event, an incumbent runs uncontested for office, it will only be necessary for a vote of confidence from Local Membership. There shall be no voting by proxy in the election of Local Officers. The candidate receiving a majority of the ballots cast shall be declared elected. Newly elected officers will be seated during the first regular meeting in the following month. If no candidate receives a majority of the votes cast, the balloting shall continue until there is a majority vote.
SECTION 6: Elections Committee—The President shall appoint an Elections Committee which shall be responsible for distributing and tabulating the ballots. Each candidate for office shall be entitled to appoint one observer who shall be permitted to witness the manner of distribution and casting of ballots, and attend the meeting of the Elections Committee at which the votes are tabulated.
SECTION 7: Ballots Preserved—The ballots and all other records of an election shall be preserved by the Secretary Treasurer for one year following the election.
SECTION 8: Vacancies in Office—When an office becomes vacant by reason of the death, resignation, or removal of the incumbent, the Executive Board shall elect a successor by majority vote no later than thirty (30) days from the date that the office is vacated.
SECTION 9: The salaries of all officers of the Local shall be established by majority vote of the members in good standing, voting in a referendum conducted by secret ballot. Each officer shall also be allowed his/her reasonable expenses and allowances authorized by the Executive Board. The President, and Secretary/Treasurer salaries shall be $150 per month. Add money from Sec/Tre comes from Association account and President comes from Union Account
SECTION 1: It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of the Local and at the meetings of the Executive Board. He/she shall be the Executive Head of the Local. He/she shall be a member ex officio of all committees. He/s ahe shall appoint such committees as may be provided for in this Constitution and Bylaws and such special committees as may be authorized by the Local. Together with the Secretary-Treasurer, he/she shall sign all checks drawn on Local funds. He/she shall enforce strict observance of the Constitution and of the International as this document relates to the Local, and the Constitution and Bylaws of the Local. He/she shall have general supervision of the activities of the other officers and chairman of committees.
The President shall discharge on behalf of the Local such duties as may be imposed upon him/her by applicable law including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal and State Authorities, and he/she shall cause to be maintained by the Local records as the law requires to be kept in support of reports filed by it.
The President, by vir my tue of his/her election, shall be a delegate of Loca
l to the convention of the International.
SECTION 2: The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all documents, records, books and papers belonging to the Local, except as may be otherwise provided by this Constitution and Bylaws. He/she shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the Local and of the Executive Board, of which he/she shall be the Secretary. He/she shall attest all official documents with his/her signature and the seal of the Local. He/she shall conduct the correspondence of the Local promptly. He/she shall maintain the official list of members in good standing, which shall be kept accurately and on a current basis.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall discharge on behalf of the Local such duties as may be imposed upon him/her by applicable law, including the execution and filing of any reports to Federal and State Authorities, and he/she shall cause to be maintained by the Local such records as the law requires to be kept in support of reports filed by it.
The Secretary-Treasurer shall receive all money due the Local, from whatsoever source, and shall disburse the same only by voucher signed by the president in conformity with a vote of the Local. Such disbursement shall be by check which shall also be signed by the President or other designated members of the Board. He/she shall maintain and keep a current record of members with their dues payments, assessments and all financial transactions promptly and accurately entered. He/she shall be prepared to exhibit receipts and vouchers upon the audit of his/her books. He/she shall forward the annual audit of the Local to the International Secretary-Treasurer, over the seal of the Local, not later than June 1 of each year.
Further functions of the Secretary/Treasurer. It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to conduct all correspondence, read the minutes, read all communications see that all dues and all monies from other sources are collected and accounted for. He/she shall deposit all funds in the Logan Firemen’s Association bank account. He/she shall verify all debits against the Organization and see that they are paid in a timely manner each check with two of this Organizations officer’s
signatures and in accordance with these By Laws. He/she shall keep a systematic account of all monies received and paid out and shall give a report of this activity annually. He/she shall keep on file all receipted bills and shall submit his/her books and papers to the auditing committee at any time the auditing committee deems it necessary. He/she shall keep a correct account between the association and its members notifying members when they are two months in arrears for their dues and reporting members dropped from the roll, unless otherwise stated the cause shall be considered as nonpayment of dues. He/she shall post all notices of all meetings. No debits shall be paid unless the Presidency of the Logan Fireman’s Organization has authorized the purchase. Except in the amounts of $100.00 or less, he/she shall not pay any bills incurred against this Association until approved by two-thirds of the voting membership of this Association that are not listed in these By Laws:
1. Cable TV 4. State Take out state and just have Association Dues
2. Newspaper 5. Gifts to members listed in Article 13, Section 3
3. Parties 6. Condiments for stations
SECTION 3: FireFighter Station Steward—The position of Station Steward shall be filled by a member of this Organization, as stated in Article 5, Sec. 2. Election will be by majority vote of those members in good standing assigned to his/her station. He/she shall oversee and be a liaison for the rank and file of their respective stations to the Executive Board. The senior Station-Steward, designated by the Executive Committee, shall assist the president in such a manner that the president may determine. In absence of the President and Secretary Treasurer, he/she shall preside at meetings of the Local and of the Executive Board. If the office of the President becomes vacant, the senior Station-Steward shall be acting President until the office of the President is filled by election of the Executive Board.
SECTION 4: Task Committees. It is proposed that willing members of the “LFO” accept appointment to task committees charged with specific duties such as, but not limited to, Political Action, Wage and Benefit Analysis, highway clean-up, candy machines, Summer party, Christmas party, and condiments for Station 70 and 71. A member of the Executive Committee delegated by the Presidency will oversee committees. Responsibility will rest with the Executive Committee member assigned to help the Committee succeed.
SECTION 5: The Executive Board shall consist of; the President, Secretary-Treasurer, Station-Steward (one for each station of this Local). These members shall be elected as follows: President and Secretary-Treasurer, odd years (ie 2015). Station-Stewards, even years (ie 2016). They shall serve two (2) year terms.
It shall be the duty of the Executive Board to exercise general supervision and control of the invested funds and property of the Local. It shall have the authority to act in the name of the Local during intervals between meetings, such acts being subject to confirmation by the membership at the next regular meeting of the Local. It shall provide for an annual audit of
the Secretary-Treasurer’s books. It shall meet at the call of the president or on a call signed by the majority of its members. A majority shall constitute a quorum.
SECTION 6: All officers and employees of the Local who handle funds or property of the Local shall be bonded in such amounts as may be required by the Board of Trustees and the International Secretary-Treasurer in compliance with applicable law. The expense of such bonds shall be borne by the International.
SECTION 1: If, in accordance with Article 4, Section 2 of the International Constitution and Bylaws, this local is entitled to Delegates in addition to the President, they shall be elected by secret ballot of the members in good standing.
SECTION 2: Alternates to conventions shall be elected by secret ballot of the members in good standing. The credentials of delegates and alternates must certify to this method of election.
SECTION 1: Initiation fees shall be paid in line with the fees set by the International and paid by the Local’s General Fund.
SECTION 2: Dues— The dues of the Organization shall be $50 per month total. $17 of dues will be assessed to the Association Branch Account. The additional $33 will be assessed to the Local 2148 General Fund. Dues shall be an automatic payroll deduction, this shall be set up by the member requesting membership. Furthermore, Members of this Organization that have been in good standing in either the Local 2148 branch and/or the Association branch up until November 1st, 2010 shall retain the right to abstain from membership in either branch. Granting them the right to pay dues in the amount of $33 per month for Local 2148 membership OR dues of $17 per month for the Association branch. Membership in at least one branch will be required to remain in good standing with the LFO. Dues of $50 per month will be assessed to ALL members, regardless of membership in the IAFF, PFFU, or Association after November 1st, 2010. Union dues will go up by 1% yearly after assessment of funds and the need exists. ?????? The adjustments of association dues and union dues will be looked at first to alter the existing fund being deducted.
SECTION 3: Assessments may be made only in the following manner: Each member in good standing shall be notified in writing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date on which the vote for an assessment is to occur. The proposed assessment shall become effective upon a majority vote of the members in good standing, by secret ballot, at a regular or special meeting.
SECTION 4: Increases in rates of initiation fees, reinstatement fees, dues or assessments shall require notice of such proposed increase to be given to the members in good standing at least thirty (30) days in advance of the date on which the vote for such increase is to occur. The proposed increase shall become effective upon a majority vote of the members in good standing, by secret ballot at regular or special meeting or by referendum conducted by secret ballot.
SECTION 5: Reinstatement fees shall be consistent with the current fees being charged by the International.
SECTION 1: Misconduct shall consist of the following:
A. Refusal or failure without justifiable cause to comply with or abide by the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the International, the valid decision of an officer of officers thereof, or the valid decision of the International Executive Board or those of the International convention or the valid provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws, or the State or Provincial or Joint Council Constitution and Bylaws.
B. Committing any act of fraud, embezzlement, larceny, or misappropriation of any funds or property or other thing of value belonging to the Local or International, or refusing, failing, or neglecting to comply with the provisions of the International Constitution and Bylaws requiring a full and accurate accounting of all funds, property, books and records for examination and audit.
C. Libeling and slandering or causing to be libeled or slandered any officer or member of the Organization, or of any local union or other subordinate body thereof, except in the form of charges of misconduct properly filed against an officer or member as provided by the International Constitution and Bylaws.
D. Failing, refusing, or neglecting to appear, without proper cause, as a prosecuting witness after filing charges against a member or officer of the Organization.
E. For Advocating or encouraging any labor or other rival organization or acquiring membership in any such organization.
F. Acquiring membership by fraud, false or misrepresentation or deceit.
G. Filing false charges against any officer or member of the Association or of any local union or their subordinate body of the Association; provided, however, that it is understood that for the purposes of this provision false charges are not merely charges of which an officer or member is acquitted but rather charges which are filed recklessly or in bad faith without substance, foundation, or reasonable basis of support.
H. Committing any physical assault upon any officer, member, representative, or employee of the Association or of any subordinate body thereof while such person is engaged in the performance of his/her duties for the International or subordinate union.
I. Engaging in conduct detrimental to the best interest of the Organization or its subordinate unions which places or tends to place them in disrepute with other labor organizations, employers, or the public.
J. Conduct unbecoming a member of the Organization; provided that utilization of this provision shall be valid only when charges are set forth in specific terms, specifying the act, or acts, or conduct alleged to be unbecoming a member.
SECTION 2: Charges—Any member in good standing may prefer charges of misconduct as defined in Section 1, against any officer or member of the Organization or of any of its subordinate unions.
SECTION 3: All charges shall be preferred in the following way:
A. Be in writing:
B. Be signed by the party or parties preferring the same:
C. Contain a statement of the facts out of which such charges originated, and set forth the specific act or acts alleged to constitute misconduct, the dates, places, and persons involved:
D. State the nature of the violation or violations alleged:
E. Refer to the Articles and Sections of the International Constitution and Bylaws of the subordinate union, the established policies, decisions, rules, regulations, or other governing laws which it is alleged have been, or are being violated.
SECTION 4: Notice of charges against any officer or member of a local union or other subordinate organization of this Association shall be set by the officer or member preferring the charges by registered mail to the local union, association, or joint council with which the accused is affiliated, and a copy sent by registered mail to the accused.
SECTION 5: Trials—Whenever charges are preferred against an officer or member of a local union or an officer or individual member of a state or provincial association or joint council, the accused shall be tried within thirty days by a Trial Board of three members to be selected and appointed by the President of the subordinate union with which the accused is affiliated. If the President is the accused, the Secretary-Treasurer of the subordinate union shall appoint the members of the Trial Board. The president shall submit the names of seven members in good standing to the accused of which the accused may reject four. The remaining three shall be appointed as the Trial Board.
SECTION 6: No name submitted for selection as a member of a Trial Board shall be that of anyone directly or indirectly involved as a party, witness, or otherwise in the conduct giving rise to the charges, and in the event any of the members are so involved they shall be disqualified to sit as a member of the Trial Board, and the appointing officer shall submit three additional names from which the accused shall select one to sit as a substitute member.
SECTION 7: Chairman of the Trial Board—Prior to proceeding with the trial, the members of the Trial Board shall elect one of their group as a chairman. The Chairman shall preside at the trial and rule upon all questions and points of order.
SECTION 8: Absence of Trial Board Member for Session—It shall be the duty of each member of the Trial Board to attend all sessions of the trial. In the event that a member is unavoidably absent from a session of the trial, it may proceed, provided a majority of the Trial Board members are present. Thereafter, the absent shall remove himself from the Trial Board and may not participate in any further proceedings or in the findings or decision of the Trial Board.
SECTION 9: Rules for Trials—Except as otherwise provided in this section, Trial Boards may establish their own rules for the conduct of the trial, which shall be in writing and a copy given to the accused and to the party preferring charges, in advance of the date set for commencement of trial. Additional rules of procedure may be determined by a Trial Board during the course if a trial situation not covered by the rules adopted should occur.
Unless otherwise agreed by the accused, the trial shall be held at the city or town in which the accused is employed. It shall be held within thirty days after the receipt of charges by the accused and not less than two weeks after notification to the accused of the composition of the Trial Board and the date and place of the trial.
Each party to the case shall have the privilege of designating any person, including any member in good standing of the Association, except a member involved in the proceedings, to act as his/her counsel on the Trial proceedings.
For good cause shown, the accused or party preferring the charges may request a postponement of the date set for the Trial Board and shall be subject to approval or rejection within the discretion of the members of the Trial Board. Each Trial Board shall select a certified court reporter to take the official verbatim transcript of the trial proceedings. All documents or other items offered as exhibits shall be preserved by the Trial Board. A copy of the official minutes or transcript shall be furnished to each party without cost, and a copy filed with the International headquarters.
Should the accused fail to appear for trial after due notice, or should appear but refuse to comply with the rules for the conduct of the trial prescribed in the International Constitution and By-Laws or formulated by the Trial Board, or should he/she engage in conduct designed to obstruct his/her trial, then in that event, the Trial Board shall proceed to conduct the trial in his/her absence. The accused, the party preferring charges, counsel for either party, or any witnesses or spectators who are guilty of misconduct before the Trial Board, at the discretion of the Chairman of the Trial Board, shall be excluded thereafter from the trial proceedings and the trial shall continue in their absence.
After all evidence has been presented and arguments made by all parties or their counsel, the Trial Board shall conclude the trial and, as soon as may be practicable, assemble for consideration of its decision.
SECTION 10: Decision of Trial Board—The decision of the Trial Board shall be by majority vote of it’s members. It shall be put in writing and shall contain a statement of the pertinent facts involved, the violations charged, reference to all relevant Articles and Sections of the International Constitution and By-Laws or other governing laws involved, a pronouncement of the guilt or innocence of the party charged, and the penalty to be imposed in the event the verdict is one of guilt, which shall be reprimand, fine, suspension from office, or suspension or expulsion from membership.
SECTION 11: Decision of local union Trial Boards shall be submitted by the Trial Board to the Secretary of the local union and shall be read at the next regular meeting. Decisions of the Trial Board shall be final and binding unless reversed or modified upon appeal as provided for an Article XVIII, Sections 2,3,4,5,6, and 7 of the International Association’s Constitution and By-Laws.
SECTION 12: Copies of the decision of all Trial Boards shall be sent by registered mail to the parties involved, by the Secretary.
SECTION 13: Further proceedings. Either party to a case may appeal from the decision of any subordinate union Trial Board, in accordance with the provisions of Article 9, Section 14.
SECTION 14: Appeal
A. Except in the case of automatic suspension of members for failure to pay dues, or automatic forfeiture of subordinate union charters for failure to pay per capital taxes, any order or decision of a local union or of the officers thereof, or of a legally constituted tribunal thereof, or any decision or order of an International officer or officers or of the Executive Board, or any legally constituted tribunal of the Organization, shall be appealable.
B. Any member in good standing or any Local union or other subordinate union of the Organization, adversely affected by any order or decision aforesaid, may make an appeal as provided in Article 18 of the International Constitution and By Laws. Such appeal is first to the International President, then to the International Executive Board, and finally, to the International Convention.
C. Compliance Pending Appeal. No appeal shall be recognized or considered unless the party filing the appeal has accepted and complied with the requirements of any decision or order from which an appeal is taken; provided, however, if the International President or Executive Board concludes that compliance in a particular case would constitute a substantial bar to the exercise of the right of appeal, such compliances may be waived or modified by the International President with respect to appeals submitted to it or to the International convention; and provided further, that in all disciplinary cases where fines in excess of fifty dollars are imposed, no more than fifty dollars shall be required to be paid as a condition of any proper appeal from the decision under which such fine was imposed.
D. No officer or member or subordinate union shall resort to any court or law or equity or other civil authority for the purpose of securing an opinion or decision, in connection with any alleged grievance or wrong concerning any case arising within the Association or any of it subordinate unions, until such party shall have first exhausted all remedies by appeal or otherwise, as provided in the International, not inconsistent with applicable law for the settlement and disposition of such alleged rights, grievances, or wrongs.
SECTION 1: The books and accounts of this Organization shall be audited annually, by members appointed per Article 13, Section 1 of these Bylaws and the last such report of audit shall be forwarded to the International Secretary-Treasurer over the seal of the Local not later than the first of June, annually.
SECTION 1: This Constitution and By-Laws made under its provisions, may be amended by a two-thirds vote, at a regular meeting, provided that each member in good standing is notified in writing of the proposed amendment at least ten days in advance of the meeting at which the vote is taken.
SECTION 2: A proposed amendment to this Constitution, or any By-Laws made under its provisions, shall be submitted for approval to the International President prior to its printing, issuance, or effectiveness, and after first being adopted by the membership.
The line items are hereby listed as follows:
Line 1……………...Salaries of Officers
Line 2……………..Legal Fees – All fees paid from this line shall be based on the current fees of the Local’s attorney and paid at that rate. Members wishing to use another attorney will receive payment based on the hourly rate of the Local’s attorney.
Line 3……………..International Functions
Line 4……………..State Functions
Line 5……………..Per Capitas (IAFF, PFFU)
Line 6……………..Travel
Line 7……………..Mileage
Line 8……………..Taxes
Line 9……………..General Expenses
Line 10……………Office Expenses
Line 11……………Charity
Line 12……………Emergency
Line 13……………Fundraising (funds to be used for political or other needs that cannot use dues money) Line 14……………Retired Members
SECTION 2: Bank Accounts - Bank Accounts and function are listed as follows:
General Account…..IAFF and PFFU per capita dues, salaries, general expenses, office expenses, legal fees, tuition, travel, mileage and lodging for Conventions, fundraising, charity, emergency expenses, financial hardship assistance
Association Account…..condiments, parties, gifts, condolences,Change to streaming TV, cable TV, CD…Savings and Reserve
SECTION 3: Travel Expenses
Members attending seminars, training, Local functions, or conventions at the direction of the Local shall receive reimbursement for tuition fees, travel expenses, meals and single room rate for a hotel when out of town. Federal Per Diem rates will be followed for meals, lodging, and mileage based on the area that member will attend.
SECTION 4: A vote by secret ballot shall be held either for officers or for items with a cost of more than $100.00 (not including bills that have authorization to be paid each month/year). Voting by secret ballot shall take no more than nine days to complete and shall commence no more than two days following the meeting when the applicable items were discussed. The voting shall be conducted by the Secretary/Treasurer and another member of this Organization, and shall be conducted in a fair and impartial manner. A two-thirds majority of all votes cast will be required to win the officers position, or to allow the use of this Organization 's funds as described on the applicable ballot.
SECTION 5: Financial Hardship Assistance for Members. Loss of income as a result of a hardship such as, but not limited to: being injured on the job, injured off the job, prolonged illness of self or immediate family member, may apply for financial hardship assistance from Local 2148. Member must make request to Executive Committee in person or writing. As a guideline, up to $1000 per member, per year (year being Jan.1 through Dec. 31), can be requested with a maximum of $5000 total assistance per year for the entire Local Membership combined. Furthermore, in the event of unusual circumstances, each application can be dealt with on a case-by-case basis by the Executive Committee if a member requires additional support beyond the said amount, but will not exceed the $5000 total established AND funds are available. The Executive Committee reserves the right to deny funds at any time, if the accounts used for assistance are depleted to a level deemed unhealthy by the Membership.
SECTION 5.1: Dues Payment for Members with Hardship. In the event a member is on Worksman’s Comp, adjusted wages due to light duty, or other cause deemed by membership, this Local will cover their Dues to the IAFF, PFFU, L2148, and the Association Branch until they return to full duty and pay, as long as accounts are in a good state of health deemed by the Executive Committee.
SECTION 6: Transfer of Funds between LFO Accounts. When deemed financially necessary/appropriate by the LFO Executive Committee, by unanimous vote, funds may be transferred to and from the CD from either the Local 2148 General Fund OR the Association Branch Account.
SECTION 7: Retired personnel are able to remain members of Local 2148, the Professional Fire Fighters of Utah, and the International Association of Fire Fighters. The rate for membership shall be $25.00 per year, subject to annual review at each January union meeting. Said person must have been a member in good standing, minimum 5 (five) year Local 2148 member, and approved by two-thirds membership vote. In lieu of the annual rate, a member may choose to become a lifetime Local 2148 member by paying a one-time $475.00 to the Local.
SECTION 1: Audit Committee - The outgoing LFO President becomes Chairman of the auditing committee that will be comprised of him/her and two other Organization members whom he/she shall appoint. This committee shall audit this Organization’s books and records. Upon completion of this audit they will present their findings and give their recommendations to the body of this Organization in the first possible meeting.
SECTION 2: Dues - The dues of the Association branch shall be assessed per Article 8, Section 2 of these Bylaws.
SECTION 3: Gift amounts - Gifts will be limited to the Member of this Organization, his/her Spouse, the Member’s Children, the Member’s and the Spouses Parents. The gift amounts shall be in the following ranges: 1.Wedding - Member $50 - $100; - Children of member $20 - $50
2. Funerals - $30 - $75
3. Hospital or Baby - $20 - $40
4. Retirement Gift for retired Firefighters - *Firefighter’s Ax with tassle choice of color - $280-350.00 5. Charitable contributions shall be limited to $200.00 each cause, with a maximum of $600.00 each year.
SECTION 4: Condiments - Purchase of condiment items for stations will be handled by three appointed member(s). The Appointed shall keep a general inventory of all available items and distribute them amongst the 4 stations as needed. The condiment yearly budget shall not exceed $1500.00 total for all stations combined. Condiments should be purchased at a location that will provide the best value for the Organization’s members. The items to be purchased include:
- Ketchup - Mustard - Mayonnaise - Miracle Whip - Syrup - Napkins
- Pepper - Salt - Spices - PAM - Cooking oil - Butter - Foil - BBQ sauce - Salsa - Ranch dressing - Plastic Wrap - Matches The LFO will buy up to 6 bags of pellets for the year. Add pellets,
SECTION 5: Candy Machine Revenue – All monies collected from LFO candy sales shall be deposited into the LFO CD Account, established to help Members in the event of a financial hardship defined in Article 12, Section 5 of these Bylaws. Candy purchases will be handled through the Association Account. Get rid of this paragraph
SECTION 6: Auctioning of LFO Property –The sale of any item(s) that may not be needed any more for the Members will be put up for silent auction available for all Members to bid on. The auction will be announced through at least one email, and one electronic page. The auction will be active for a minimum of ten days from the time of page and email. After the close of the auction, the winning bid will be notified and have seven days to pay for the item(s). At the end of the seven days, if the item(s) have not been picked up and paid for, the LFO Executive Committee has the option of putting it up for bid again OR awarding the item(s) to the next highest bidder. Furthermore, item(s) can also be sold at a live auction, to be held at any LFO meeting that has been announced at least ten days prior by email and an electronic page.
SECTION 7: Change to PFFU and other Union conventions.State Convention – The Logan Firefighters Organization will send at least Change to send three delegates to the PFFU convention. one member to the State Firemen’s Convention each year. The cost for hotel accommodations, food and fuel for the trip will be paid by the association account per current Federal per diem rates. All members attending will represent the best interests of the Logan Firefighters Or ganization and will attend all business meetings. The member/s attending will give a report to the local membership at the next quarterly meeting. Priority for attendance will first go to the members of the presidency. If none can attend then the next priority will be members receiving service awards according to years as a member of the Logan Firefighters Organization. The next priority will be general members of the organization based on a name drawn at random. One entry placed in the drawing for each year of service as a member of the Logan Firefighters Organization. Each year, the members will decide how many delegates can be sent based on the current financial condition of the association account and issues being raised at the convention.